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How to Prepare for a Media Interview

Use these expert strategies on how to prepare for a media interview taken from my own shocking experience of an unplanned live broadcast.

As a PR and media relations strategist, I've always been the one offering advice on how to prepare for a media interview.

However, the tables turned recently when I transitioned from PR consultant to interviewee in an unexpected live media session for a client of mine. This unforeseen shift provided me with a wealth of firsthand insights, invaluable for anyone gearing up for the media spotlight.

Here's a look into that experience and the essential lessons it taught me about how to prepare for a media interviews. Plus, I invite you to watch my interview and delve into the behind-the-scenes story below. Let me know how you think I did!

"In media interviews, it's not just what you say, but how you adapt on the fly. Be prepared, be flexible, and make every word count."

The Unexpected Live Media Challenge

Imagine being prepared for what you believe is a pre-recorded discussion, only to suddenly find yourself thrust into a live broadcast.

That's exactly what happened to me. As I settled in for the interview, expecting a relaxed, edited conversation, I was jolted by the unmistakable sounds of a live broadcast through my headphones. The producer's voice cut in, announcing that my segment was up next.

To add to the challenge, the interview was conducted over Zoom, and instead of seeing the anchor's reassuring face, I was staring into a black void, relying solely on audio cues. This setup alone was disconcerting, but it was further complicated by spotty audio that kept cutting out.

In this high-pressure scenario, every tip and technique I've ever advised my clients on how to prepare for a media interview was put to the test in the most direct way possible. It was a true trial by fire, testing not just my media training skills but also my ability to adapt quickly and maintain composure under unexpected and technically challenging circumstances.

The experience was intense, but it also provided invaluable lessons and insights, which I am excited to share with you. This is the real-world, unvarnished truth about dealing with media interviews – sometimes, despite all the preparation, you have to think on your feet and handle the unexpected.

Watch the full interview below!

Preparation is Key: My Top Strategies for how to Prepare for a Media Interview

In the world of media interviews, especially when they throw you a curveball like a sudden live broadcast, being well-prepared is your best defense. Here are the three key strategies I relied on, which not only helped me navigate through my unexpected live interview but also serve as fundamental guidelines for anyone wondering how to prepare for a media interview.

1. Clarity in Goals: In the fleeting moments of media exposure, your objective must be crystal clear.

For my surprise live interview, the focus was non-negotiable: spotlight my client's pivotal role in neonatal care. Sure, my story had many layers, but the focus was their groundbreaking work. This clear objective is not just about staying on track; it's about ensuring that your audience takes away exactly what you want them to. Remember, in media interviews, less is often more.

2. Craft Your Core Messages: A great interview tells a story, and your key messages are the plot points. In preparing for the unexpected live session, I honed in on three narrative pillars:

  • Personal Journey: Concisely sharing my experiences set the stage. It was about giving a glimpse into my world and hooking the audience, but not lingering too long.

  • Broader Issue and Solution: Next, I bridged my personal story to a societal challenge, creating a context that resonates more widely and making it clear there is an issue that warrants a solution.

  • Client's Impact: The final, crucial piece was highlighting my client's unique solutions. This was where the spotlight needed to shine the brightest. I had to clearly state their name and make it clear what they were offering and why.

3. Practice, Breathe, and Stay Present: Yes, it sounds almost too simple, but the impact of practice cannot be overstated.

Leading up to the interview, I practiced in every way possible – with my partner, in front of the mirror, and even on the morning of the interview itself. Each rehearsal was a step towards building confidence and composure. When the live broadcast news hit me, it was these practice sessions that anchored me. In that moment of initial panic, I took a deep breath, grounded myself in the present, and let my preparation lead the way.

In the world of media interviews, especially live ones, you can never over-prepare. But when the unexpected happens, it's not just about what you've prepared; it's about how you wield that preparation. It's about staying nimble, thinking on your feet, and remembering that, at the end of the day, it's your story and your message that matter.

In Conclusion: Embracing the Media Spotlight with Confidence

In the whirlwind of media exposure, where unpredictability is the only certainty, embracing the spotlight becomes a skill in itself.

Whether it's amplifying a brand or cementing credibility, the power of media cannot be overstated. My unexpected dive into a live interview underscored a crucial lesson: while you may not have control over the interview's format or direction, your preparation is the steering wheel.

Recalling this experience, I'm reminded that being adaptable, focused, and clear in your message is paramount. It's not just about handling the questions thrown at you; it's about weaving your story with confidence and clarity.

Remember, each media interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression, to share a piece of your story, and to represent your brand or cause in the best light possible.

If you're stepping into the media arena and need guidance on navigating these waters, I'd love to help. With my firsthand experience and expertise in media relations, I can offer you tailored advice to ensure you're not just prepared, but also poised to make the most of your media opportunities. Don't hesitate to reach out for media relations advice that can transform your next interview into a resounding success.


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Alex is an award winning communications strategist, relentlessly focused on helping client stories make the impact they deserve.


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